The Deep Water Well Project

Deep Water Wells

Access to clean water for drinking, cooking and washing is a luxury that some can’t afford. 

At a cost of £1,428 motorised water wells are installed to provide fresh clean water for communities who need it most. 

To benefit villages and communities communities throughout the year, the Foundation has chosen to install deep motorised water wells, as deploying shallow hand pumps typically leads to a shortage of water in the dry season when the water table is low.

Please see below on the steps we take to install a deep water well.

How we install our Deep Water Wells

Site Assessment

Initial site assessments are carried out in order to determine the feasibility of installing a Deep Water Well. Various factors are assessed including proximity to nearby sewage canals, foundations of nearby properties, and septic tank locations.

Drilling Rig Setup

A drilling rig is setup in order to begin the process of boring a hole through the layers of soil deep into the water table. The setting up of the rig typically takes up to a day to complete.

Boring the Hole

The rig begins to work by pumping high pressure water into the ground through a section of pipe. As the pumped water pushes the soil away, the section of pipe is lowered into the ground. Once a section of pipe is fully inserted into the ground another section is attached thereby extending the length of pipe being lowered. Typically the borehole pipe reaches depths in excess of 600ft, well beneath the water table in order to access clean fresh drinking water.

Initial Testing

Once the borehole is complete and the deep water submersible pump is lowered at a depth of approx. 120 feet, the supply is continuously tested to ensure a constant supply of fresh clean water is available.


Deep Water Pump

Deep Water Pump Complete

Once the local engineers are happy with the water supply, the surrounding area is completed with the construction of a concrete platform with adequate drainage, a pump housing, and a 1000 litre water tank, with associated taps, fixtures and fittings. 

Everything is then painted to the villagers choice of colour by the recipients themselves, to foster a sense of ownership, and by means of earning a wage. 

Our Impact